
Srinagar, June 17: SajadGani Lone, the president of the J&K Peoples Conference, went to the Lolab area today, where he held a number of talks and talked with notable party workers, according to a press statement.

The engaging meetings were about different social, political, and party-related issues. This showed that the party was serious about expanding its reach and getting closer to its dedicated workers.


The PC President went to the Lolab district areas of Putshai, Wavoora, Cheepora, Kuligam, Khurhama, Sever, Warnow, Shalgund/TakiyaKhurhama, Krusan, Darpora, Sunnard, Lalpora, Diver, Tekipora, Chandigam, Sogam, and Badibara, where he met with workers from all walks of life and talked with them. The meetings were a place where people could talk to each other in an open and helpful way and share ideas, opinions, and comments.

During the discussion, Lone told the workers how grateful he was for their steadfast support and commitment to the party. He talked about how important it is to connect with people on the ground and how everyone needs to work together to solve the problems that the community and its people are facing.

Discussions covered a wide range of topics, such as social change, how politics work, and issues within the party. The PC President stressed how important these kinds of exchanges are for forming the policies and actions of the party. He said again that he was committed to making sure that the workers’ views are heard and taken into account when decisions are being made.

“Today’s tour is a very important step towards boosting the party’s attempts to reach out to people and improving the relationship between the leaders and the workers. By involving the workers directly, the PC hopes to build a better and more inclusive party system that truly represents the hopes and worries of the people,” he said.



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